Scholarships for research students in 5-Axis Milling Machine (CAD/CAM) area


2 RGJ Scholarships for PhD and 1 Teaching Assistantship for Research Master’s in 5-Axis milling machine area at Sirindhorn International Institute of Technology, Thammasat University. — No job obligations after the degree has been completed.

ทุนปริญญาเอกกาญจนาภิเษก 2 ทุน และ ทุนผู้ช่วยสอน สำหรับปริญญาโท 1 ทุน หัวข้อวิจัยด้าน 5-Axis milling machine ที่ สถาบันเทคโนโลยีนานาชาติสิรินธร (SIIT) มหาวิทยาลัยธรรมศาสตร์ — ไม่มีข้อผูกมัดหลังจบการศึกษา


Two Royal Golden Jubilee scholarships for PhD (Thai nationals only), and One teaching assistant scholarship for research master’s (any national permitted).

In the research topics of 5-Axis Milling Machine, CNC, and Rapid Prototyping (CAD/CAM).

At the School of Information and Management Technology, Sirindhorn International Institute of Technology (SIIT), Thammasat University, Thailand

Candidates will working with professionals and other postgrad students in the 5-Axis Thai group, a joint research group of SIIT and Asian Institute of Technology. Creating software for industrial engineering or related fields in the framework of Royal Golden Jubilee Program of the Thailand Research Fund‘s:

“A New Software for 5-Axis Machining, Optimization, Simulation, and Verification”.

Some of the ongoing research topics are:

  • Space Filling Curves In Curvilinear Coordinates as a Tool-Path of the 5-Axis Milling Machine
  • Optimal Set Up for 5-Axis Machining
  • Clustering the Optimal Direction Vector Field
  • Minimizing the Total Variation of the Rotation Angles

More research details at the group’s website, seminar, and presentations (1, 2).

With an opportunity to do a research abroad during the course.

No job obligations after the degree has been completed.


More jobs and academic positions: SIIT jobs.

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