Tag: London

  • Moving…g

    Will move down to London around the mid of this month, to stay with my relative. Although I don’t want to leave this city, but at least it will saves me lots of bills during this while. My friend, BiGGA, got a job/PhD position at Siemens, Munich, and will move there soon. He asks me…

  • Flagging the soup of nations

    walking around — alone — this night around few corners of London. found two cars driving around Picadilly Circus, horning & flagging Greek’s flag — as they won over Czech in extra time, just an hour ealier. not a long time after, it’s a Canada’s flag in Underground, District Line, way to Wimbledon. before went…

  • High Street Kensington, London

    FYI, this is a post from easyInternetCafe, an easyEverything company. —- Just come here to visit my relatives (by the ‘order’ of my parents). They run a Thai restuarant somewhere around Fulham, New King’s Road, I think. Yesterday, I was there at their restaurant and help a bit about billing form things. But today is…

  • London quickies

    my mom ask me to visit my relatives near Fulham. will going to London this evening. will going back on Friday, have work at the restuarant to do, can’t off.