Category: Uncategorized

  • university ranking

    how about these categories/factors? quality of life and night life to spends years in one place, one should happy with it first .. eh? —- P’Joy on German university ranking

  • Ronald W. Reagan 1991-2004

    Ronald Reagan, the 40th U.S. president, a man who brought down the Cold War, died 1 p.m. Saturday at 93, surrounded by family members at his Los Angeles home. …

  • BiGGA’s first portfolio

    My friend just posted his first online photos collection, Pictures of Burano. Burano is a small island near Venice, Italy. Famous in its textile and painted houses.

  • cupglass reunion 2004.05.03

    photos อ้วนๆ กันท้างน้าน มาดเสี่ยออกกันเกือบทุกคน 😛 (ยกเว้นไอ้สิงห์ ผอมสุดๆ เราว่าเราผอมแล้วนะ มันผอมกว่า -_-“)

  • feel stressed?

    smack down a bubble wrap is one of my favorite activities. got bless the internet and shockwave flash, now we can do it online !

  • Crisis in Scientific Publishing

    from Donald E. Knuth ‘s website —- For several years I’ve become more and more concerned about the fact that libraries are increasingly unable to afford the prices being charged by commercial publishers of scientific journals. In October I wrote a long letter to the editorial board of the Journal of Algorithms, explaining the current…