Category: Informatics

  • Yahoo! Search

    “New” web search service from Yahoo! with minimalism look. And when look inside its functionality, sometimes I just thinking of Google 🙂 (it also comes with “cache” functionality) Anyway, try it yourself, you may find that it may be more suitable to you than Google.

  • Finding Out About

    This book [R. Belew. Finding Out About: A Cognitive Perspective on Search Engines and the WWW. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2000.] investigates and try to describes IR from the cognitive perspective (what human/user think, percept, behave, ..).

  • Google Weblog

    “Everything you want and don’t want to know about Google” 🙂

  • Thumbshots for search engine — “Stop Guessing. Take Control!” Featuring small picture of each webpage, so users have more clue if it a site they looking for or not. [click here for example]

  • Web Graphs and P2P

    Web Graphs All people in computer science and some fields of engineering (e.g. industrial engineering?) are very familiar with “Graphs” — those nodes and arcs. And, actually, we can represent the web as a [huge] graph. Where node=webpage, arc=(hyper)link. From this representation, it gives us a way to understand the characteristic of the web better…

  • Summarization for Search Engine

    Talking about Document Clustering/Categorization/Classification, about ‘approach’ to aid user access to mountains of pages may be a Summarization. Instead of just only page title, url, and few first (nonsense) paragraphs from the page. Short summaries may help users to decide which pages are whattheywant and whattheydontwant. นอกจากจะแบ่งกลุ่มเอกสารที่หามาได้ ให้หา(ต่อโดยผู้ใช้ว่าอันไหนจะเอา อันไหนไม่เอา)ง่ายๆ แล้ว ถ้าเรามีเนื้อหาย่อๆ ของเอกสารแต่ละหน้า ก็น่าจะทำให้ผู้ใช้ตัดสินใจได้ง่ายขึ้น เร็วขึ้น อ่านเปเปอร์ข้างล่าง…

  • PageRank explained

    A Survey of Google’s PageRank PageRank is one of algorithms used by Google search engine. If you want to know how PageRank works, this is the site.