too far away from home for too long time ?

It’s more than two years now.

Left Bangkok on September (27?), 2003, now it’s already April 2006.

I’m 27 years old now. And don’t know where to go still.

Edinburgh, London, Berlin and Potsdam. Everywhere lies good memories / good friends. But at the end of the day, my home couldn’t been far from Bangkok (plus Pathum Thani, to be precise), the place that I can related myself to for the most.

The world is a book, and those who do not travel, read only a page.
— Saint Augustine

That’s true. I got lots of diverse experiences being far from home, travelling, living abroad. If you have a chance, do travel. Anywhere. But at the same time…

Everywhere is nowhere. When a person spends all his time in foreign travel, he ends by having many acquaintances, but no friends.
— Seneca

Lucky me. That I’m not a real hardcore traveller. I’m just moving from one city to another, not so fast. I have a chance to spend considerable enough time to develop more or less good friendship with at least few people around me. That’s not bad at all. But as time goes by, as distance keeps pace, will these relationships faded away ? Admittedly, I’m really bad in “keep in touch” business.

A journey is like marriage. The certain way to be wrong is to think you control it.
— John Steinbeck

I was thought I could. Nope, I can’t. A lesson comes at cost.


5 responses to “too far away from home for too long time ?”

  1. เป็นบลอกตอนที่เต็มไปด้วยความรู้สึกที่สุดเท่าที่อ่าน ๆ บลอกนี้มา

  2. Dude, you sound so desparate.Get some drink.Will be there for you this Friday.Friends can be made along your journey.Someone who you met and left them are still your friends.Don't you ever think you do not have friends or part from them for so long.We are here and we are for you.Give me a call and a train ticket :P, will be right there anytime!

  3. i agree with you and not Seneca. you can have friends and not acquaintances in many places at the same time. i can have a good long conversation with old friends, who i perhaps meet once every two years. and blogging is a way to keep in touch with friends, i believe. huh huh huh.

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