ผังภาพ แผนภูมิ เกี่ยวกับความขัดแย้งอิสราเอล-เลบานอน
info aesthetics .. visualizing the 2006 Israel-Lebanon conflict
middle east ceasefire infographic
The Independent (UK newspaper) frontpage.
“That message would take up less space as words, but somehow the impact wouldn’t be quite the same.” — kotke.org
israeli/lebanese coffin counter
Captured from moiz.ca.
“a simple, repetitive diagram that visualizes the proportionality of deaths in the on-going conflict between Isreal & Lebanon. each coffin represents a single person killed.” — infosthetics.com
More mideast conflict infographics:
- Strife and Power in the New Middle East — a BIG picture, very literally
- The Middle East Buddy List — an easy(?) guide to “VS” relationships
information design,
2 responses to “aesthetics of the deaths”
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