The Wagamama Cookbook

I think Chris used to mentioned about this noodle bar, Wagamama.

Never had it before, or ever see the restuarant until yesterday. But already bought it’s “Cookbook” on last Thursday, just the day I was arrived here. Having a noodle shop is my dream for a long time, so when I saw this book I just simply took it to the pay point.

Yesterday, I walk from my uncle’s house to High Street Kensington.. just to see if it’s very far or not .. and it is -_-” It took me about 1 hrs and 45 mins, such a long walk. As one of the staff at my uncle’s restaurant told me on Thursday, there’s one Wagamama branch on top of Habitat shop on High Street Kensington .. I was very hungry at that time, so I think I will give it a try for my dinner. Unfortunately, the restaurant was just soooo crowded. I just gave up and back home.

Will have it another day.

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