Coral Network
(slightly modified from its description at Wikipedia) Coral is an open source, peer-to-peer content distribution network designed to mirror web content. Coral is designed to use the bandwidth of volunteers to reduce the load on websites and other providers of web content. To use coral, simply add .nyud.net:8090 to the hostname in a URL. So,…
No I’m not.
But I don’t think I’m a nerd na.. hmm… Nerd-O-Ranking kitty: 98 ← SUPER DANGER!! + 100 geek score, consistent! phisite: 96 ← DANGER! thep: 91 kengz: 88 p’joy: 87 CrazyHOrse: 87 Eakasak: 84 MrChoke: 75 mk: 75 ott: 65 bact’: 65 vee: 50 win: 45 Oakyman: 41 modeller: 29 pok: 25 ← there should…
It’s about “data visualization”. SparkLines Bissantz’s sparklines fonts, add-ons for MS Office. more (in Thai) at pok’s blogger.
FOSS: Open as in cola. Free as in beer.
OpenCola – an open-source cola. Its recipe is GPLed. Vores Øl – an open-source beer. Its recipe is Creative Commons. OK, now waiting for OpenRedHat .. sorry, should be OpenRedBull.
J2SE 5.0 Update 3
จาวา 5 อัพเดท 3 ออกแล้วจ้า
PinK – Platform for Intelligent Information System
See Eclipse. SWT has a better Look and Feel.
Really? Swing can do the same L&F as SWT can.
A Critic of SWT
SWT Happens (or “Why SWT is not that good and Swing is still the way.”) by Mr Ed @ Hacknot
How language works
How language works Word Grammer
Blogs about Computational Linguistics
CompLing Computers and Languages, from Duluth The Audhumlan Conspiracy Semantic Composition