KaosPilot: Entrepreneurial Profile 2

from the book “KaosPilot A-Z – 2nd Edition”

Entrepreneurial Profile 2

The school today is inspired by the seven “entrepreneurial motivation profiles” developed by our own students in conjunction with students from the European Studies department of the University of Aarhus. The identification of these seven archetypes was the main conclusion of a large innovation project launched by the Confederation of Danish Industries in 2003.

The businessman
The traditional entrepreneurial profile. The desire to make money and attain economic prestige is the primary driving force. Works in a focused way to gain the competencies necessary to start a company and is very conscious of the potential market.

The mountain climber
Actively searches for challenges to push him or herself to the limit. A restless soul that is risk-loving and will happily start a new company from scratch when the previous one has become established.

The playful child
Allows desire to drive the company. Wants to combine work with lifestyle or hobby, and is there fore not driven primarily by the desire to make money. Customers and the private sphere often melt together.

The idealist
Politically conscious and not driven by personal gain, but wants to do something for other people. Frustrated by lack of action for example around human rights, the environment and enemployment.

The globalist
Travels unconcernedly around the world and is motivated by working globally with people who share the same values. The globalist’s products mirror the inspiration gained from different cultural environments.

The inheritor
Has taken over an existing company along with customers and the network. Wants to maintain the company as-is and becomes the entrepreneur when the product or organisational structure needs to be changed.

The survivor
Is almost forced into entrepreneurship in order to survive and is driven more by need than desire. Has, however, started from the bottom and as such has the freedom to decide the direction of the company.

In simple terms, the KaosPilots as an educational establishment can be said mainly to attract four of the above-named personality types: the mountain climber, the playful child, the idealist, and the globalist.

(Check out Entrepreneurial Profile 1)

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