Tag: University of Potsdam

  • SUMMaR: Combining Linguistics and Statistics for Text Summarization

    งานจากปี 2006 – We describe a text summarization system that moves beyond standard approaches by using a hybrid approach of linguistic and statistical analysis and by employing text-sort-specific knowledge of document structure and phrases indicating importance. The system is highly modular and entirely XML-based so that different components can be combined easily.

  • First day in Potsdam

    Halo. Now in Haus 24, 1.82. Institut für Linguistik, Uni Potsdam. I’m going to work in the Project SUMMaR. From the project info page – “SUMMaR is part of the BMBF project PINK (‘Plattform fuer INtelligente Kollaborationsportale’), a consortium of companies and universities from Berlin-Brandenburg, funded in the framework ‘Innovative regionale Wachstumskerne’.” Travel info, this…

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